Joyson Safety Systems
Legal Notice
Joyson Safety Systems Aschaffenburg GmbH
Managing Directors:
Christoph Lauth
Christian Wienands
Mailing address:
Bahnweg 1
63743 Aschaffenburg
Sales & Marketing Department
Phone: +49-6021-65-0
E-Mail: marketing(at)
Telefax: +49 (6021) 65 – 1459
Joyson Safety Systems Aschaffenburg GmbH is listed in the commercial register of the District Court of Aschaffenburg under number HRB 14577.
VAT identification number: DE 815739680.
Service provider pursuant to Sec. 5 Telemedia Act (TMG), Sec. 55 para. 2 Broadcasting Treaty (RStV):
Dr. Andreas Bartelt
Bahnweg 1
63743 Aschaffenburg
The online dispute resolution platform of the European Commission is accessible at Joyson Safety Systems Aschaffenburg GmbH is not obligated nor does it take part in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.